The Importance of Financial Literacy in Kenyan Schools.

Financial literacy is crucial for individuals to make informed financial decisions, manage their resources effectively, and build a secure financial future. In the context of Kenya, integrating financial literacy education into schools is of paramount importance for several reasons: In conclusion, integrating financial literacy education into schools in Kenya is essential for empowering the youth, Read More…

Startups In Struggling Economies

Months before the elections politicians came up with economic blueprints which at the moment, these prints have now been abandoned as implementation is a task. So Sad! This to me is the same status quo that over the past 100 years continues to put you and I as African people at the recipients of all forces shaping the global business and economic state.

Personal Finance (leveling up)

I recently have been spending a lot of time on personal financing and investments options. I have also had to make friends whose thoughts resonate with mine especially financially. One thing that has happened a lot is me finding myself cutting out dudes I considered die-hard friends since I see their demands and value for Read More…

Money Moves 3

Today, let me start with a little scripture from the holy book (1 Timothy 6:9-10) that says “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of Read More…

Money Moves

Money impacts everyone, but many of us don’t have the right view on how to use it. Growing up in the villages of Eshisiru, I never knew I would love money this much since mum used to tell me that this thing “money” was demonic, I grew up knowing that money can’t be trusted, today Read More…