Unmasking the Blacksmith

 The blacksmith left for the city years back, 
 And promised never to look back,
 But before we could forget, he was back, 
 With his lots of goodies filled his backpack,
 Now promising jobs and upgrade to those he left back,
 Blacksmith needs prison time
 News spread quite quickly
 That the blacksmith is giving back to the society,
 In a town that everyone knows the sounds,
 Made by those with extra pounds,
 How so, when he who left with a metal safe
 Is now giving paper promises, 
 Blacksmith needs prison time
 Soon our sons have a lead to look up to,
 The generation wants to grow so fast too,
 The blacksmith has inspired many, my son too
 By all means we hustle to create our dynasties too,
 But numbers are misleading, though no one wants to add one and two,
 Blacksmith needs prison time
 Powered by the blacksmith theory of life,
 We, the have nots wade through the life challenges with hope,
 Our generation, like errant Idakho bulls,
 Jump, hop and run to and fro to the field of abundance,
 Rampaging the economic plains,
 Blacksmith needs prison time
 Soon, our weekends in the small town have frequent visitors in the name of charity,
 Invited by the blacksmith, how he knew all this people in high end places.
 Small boys with Subaru vehicles alongside babes,
 Oh Babes scattering their tattoos and fluttering their hair. 
 The blacksmith gives back to the society, money, time and morals
 Blacksmith needs prison time
 Reminiscence of a generation so high of themselves,
 The generation that enjoys material abundance,
 That previous generations bestowed after hardship to attain.
 They gratify their lusts with the words from the bible,
 Of-course the blacksmith as the mentor,
 Blacksmith needs prison time.
 With promises to fulfil within a fortnight,
 The Blacksmith works late into the night, 
 Evening passed and morning came,
 we see police patrol cars in the town,
 A fugitive is being sorted after, 
 Coz in his line of duty he left so many fingerprints? 
 Blacksmith needs prison time.
 So the cop's search progresses, 
 Some of the close allies of our blacksmith are found with counterfeit money,
 Our mamas are surprised that no one asked for work evidence. 
 they are arrested for some minor offenses and creating counterfeit money.
 The blacksmith sees this as political, the approach is to deny the have nots.
 A leader so dedicated to help them,
 Blacksmith needs prison time.
 Some cannot bare the truth and have to pull themselves down,
 Down from up where there is that dangling string.
 With a note in their pockets with key words, the blacksmith,
 We soon find an angle, time to unmask our son though afraid who takes lead
 Blacksmith needs prison time.

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